Wallpaper :: Krishna in Vrindavan 1
LIFE- The Reason to Live (by Ankita Garg)
“Why Live when we are going to die one day?”
This was a question a 13-year-old asked me, which left me speechless as to how a small child could think so deep. I thought a lot and then I knew what I had to tell her.
Visit the following link for the answer: http://randomhappysoul.wordpress.com/2011/11/17/life-the-reason-to-live/
PS: We could have put the full article here, but there were two issues. Firstly, it would mean a copyright violation and secondly and more importantly, in case you subscribe to her thoughts and like her authoring ability, the author deserves some direct appreciation from you. Also, you may want to subscribe to her blog for regular updates. The blog or the author are not related to the MSA network in any way so please do not conider this to be a quid pro quo solicitation. :))
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